Cultivate 2023 is on from July 15 – 18. As always the Jiffy team will be there with expert advice and great growing media products. Find us at booth #1451.
Cultivate 2023 is on from July 15 – 18. As always the Jiffy team will be there with expert advice and great growing media products. Find us at booth #1451.
more...Growing media specialist Jiffy Group opens Innovation Center featuring a climate chamber by Light4Food and a university-standard laboratory
more...Ruben Mejia is the grower and owner at Villa Clara Coffee in the Caldas region, Colombia. He was looking for a solution for root defects, plastic waste, and lower dropout rates.
more...Living Water Farms in Illinois grow lettuce and micro-greens in an hydroponic system. They use Preforma Plugs that fit their propagation practice seamlessly.
more...Amiens is a large, expanding city in the north of France. Aiming to become a greener, more sustainable city, an inspiring sustainable landscaping project was initiated.