Power Certificate for Jiffy’s 1Plant

Jiffy Group has been awarded the ‘Power Certificate’ from Everyday Heroes and Baanbrekend Drechtsteden. This Power Certificate is about supporting people with difficulties in the job market.

Difficulties in the job market

Due to COVID-19, the global and local economy has been under some stress, and this has a bigger impact on people that are already distanced from the job market. Flex-workers and people with temporary contracts are the first to be affected. To protect this fragile workforce, Baanbrekend Drechtsteden (Dutch only) was initiated. This is a program that integrates this group into companies that suit their skills and interests.

1Plant welcomes new workers in Zwijndrecht

In the last two years, Jiffy Group’s production facility 1Plant in Zwijndrecht has welcomed multiple workers that were previously struggling in the job market. The Power Certificate is a financial stimulus for Jiffy to keep these workers educated and integrated into the production team at 1Plant.

We’re happy to be part of social and economic empowerment programs like this, and in this way, 1Plant can help solve some of the labor issues in the local area. Let’s create a world where all people can all thrive, together.