What is the importance of planting a tree?

Thanks to major technological and industrial advances, we are now facing major challenges to ensure the well-being of our ecosystems.

In this sense, reforestation and tree planting in important regions such as the Amazon are key strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect biodiversity. Planting a tree is therefore one of the first steps we can take to help preserve the environment.

With this in mind, we want to deepen the importance and benefits of reforestation and tree planting. In addition, we will introduce you to the methods and techniques used to carry out this activity.

Find out how we are helping to conserve forests and restore the Amazon in Colombia to restore habitat for jaguars!

What is the importance of planting a tree?

Reforestation and tree planting are very important processes with many environmental and socio-economic benefits. On the environmental front, reforestation and tree planting can help fight climate change by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

In addition, tree planting can help protect biodiversity by providing habitat for the region’s fauna and flora. It also contributes to the protection of rivers and streams, as trees and plants are important for freshwater conservation and soil erosion prevention.

On a socio-economic level, reforestation and tree planting can create jobs and improve the quality of life of local communities. They also have a positive impact on the local economy, as they can be a source of income for local producers of wood and other forest products.

How to plant and maintain a tree?

The most common method is planting seedlings in large areas. This method is more effective than the direct planting of seeds. It is also more effective in restoring large areas and better controls the density and type of trees planted.

Forest enrichment techniques, which involve planting additional tree species in areas that have already been partially restored, can also be used. These techniques improve biodiversity and habitat quality in these areas.

Step by step to plant a tree

1. Research

Before you start planting, it is important to study the forest area in which you want to plant the tree. You need to think about such things as climate type, humidity, shading conditions, etc.

It is also important to analyze endemic tree species and wildlife. This ensures that planted trees are well-adapted and that animal species benefit. Depending on the type of soil you have and the above factors, you can select the appropriate tree species.

2. Land Preparation

It is necessary to prepare the soil before planting the tree. Be sure to remove vegetation, weeds, and roots.

If the soil is very compact, you can loosen it with a spade or rake. In addition, it is important to check the acidity of the soil to make sure it is suitable for the tree you are going to plant.

3. Tree Selection

Choose a tree of a species native to the region, with a good root system and in good phytosanitary condition.

If possible, opt for trees that have already been grown in containers to make sure they have a well-developed root system.

4.Tree Planting

Make a hole in the soil twice the width and depth of the pot or germination device in which the plant is placed. Place the tree in the hole, making sure that the root collar is at the same level as the surrounding soil. Fill the hole with soil and press down gently.

5. Ensure adequate irrigation

After planting the tree, it is important to keep it well-hydrated. Make sure the soil around the tree stays moist, but not soggy.

Water regularly during the first months.

6. Tree Protection

Protect the tree from animals and high winds. You can use pickets and safety nets to keep animals away. In addition, it is important not to walk in the area where the tree is located in order to avoid damaging the roots of the tree.

7. Maintenance

During the growth of the tree, be sure to keep the soil moist. If necessary, you can add organic fertilizer to improve soil quality.

In addition, it is important to prune dead and sick branches to prevent the spread of diseases.

What is the Tree Restoration Event?

It is a collective project in which government entities such as Corpoamazonia and Bioamazonia participate, which ensure good environmental practices and the conservation of ecosystems in the Colombian Amazon region.

These institutions welcomed the Jiffy Group, which participated in the planting of indigenous trees using Jiffy pellet technology (video in Spanish).

Peace agreement signatories and communities involved in crop substitution projects also participated in this initiative.

When is the best time to plant a tree?

This depends on the tree species to be planted and the soil conditions, but the season of the year when rainfall is most beneficial for plants is usually preferred if irrigation cannot be artificially provided.

Participate in tree planting in the Amazon!

Reforestation and tree planting in the Amazon is a major challenge that needs to be addressed. It is well known that this is one of the regions of the planet most affected by continuous deforestation that puts unique species at risk, which is why it is so important that private companies join the restoration efforts.

The sustainable implementation of reforestation projects also poses problems. In this regard, Jiffy brings a technology that replaces the regularly used plastic bags.

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Pilar Galvis

Sales Manager LATAM

You can call me on
+ 1 440-865-5715

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Fast germination

Jiffy Pellets are an open-wall, net container and medium all in one. It is easy to work with, economical to ship. They are available as bulk pellets for loading yourself, but also pre-loaded into global tray standards or on a poly-roll. Available in Peat, Coco and mix substrates.