Coffee Seedlings in Jiffy Pellets: FAQ

As producers of plant growing solutions, we understand and share the main concerns that revolve around coffee growing, as we know that the industry faces the challenges of a world increasingly focused on sustainability, traceability and working conditions.

Under this premise, it is essential to find efficient and environmentally friendly ways to produce the best coffee seedlings.

That is why we will answer the most frequent questions that our customers usually have about coffee seedbeds with Jiffy Pellet.

Solutions for coffee farmers

As a coffee grower who cares about the environment, working conditions and the production of the best coffee in the region, it is essential to find sustainable and effective solutions at all stages of cultivation, including the planting of coffee.

At Jiffy Group, we explore and develop innovative alternatives to reduce production costs and overcome logistical challenges. For coffee, we have solutions that seek more sustainable growing processes, for example, Jiffy Pellets.

What are Jiffy Pellets and what are they for?

Jiffy Pellets are peat or coir pellets, made at high temperatures, and compressed into a biodegradable mesh, ideal for the development of various crops, such as coffee.

Why are Jiffy Pellets ideal for replacing the bag with soil in the coffee seedbed?

This solution guarantees vigorous root growth and eliminates the use of plastics, protecting the soil and improving working conditions. In this way, we also avoid soil-transmitted diseases, as well as damage that the plant may suffer in the future.

In what types of soil should a Jiffy Pellet NOT be planted?

Everything depends on the soil, since the conditions for the establishment of the plant depend on it. For example, if you have clay soil, regardless of the solutions you use to plant, you will have a series of limitations, mainly due to the drainage problems that this type of soil has.

The important thing in these cases is the agronomic work. In the previous example, a solution that was implemented for the use of Jiffy Pellets was to make ridges to plant coffee.

That is, it can be planted in any type of soil, as long as the necessary adjustments are made so that the plant can grow well in the field.

How long can I leave the coffee plant planted in Jiffy Pellet in the nursery?

Unlike traditional bags, with Jiffy Pellets, the roots of the plants that are ready to go to the field are not deformed thanks to the PLA netting that they have.

The Jiffy Pellets generate a photopruning effect which prevents the so-called "pigtails" or "root twisting" from forming. This allows the seedlings to be in the nursery for longer. It is suggested to move them to the field when they have already 3 or 4 pairs of true leaves.

What are the advantages of the coffee seedbed in Jiffy Pellets?

In general, we could summarize the advantages of sowing with Jiffy Pellets as follows:

  • No contamination: with Jiffy Pellets there is no contamination compared to using plastic bags.
  • Harmless material: free of pathogens.
  • Ease of transport: both for mobilization and planting, which translates into reduced logistics costs.
  • Plant health and physiological quality: with a very good development and a nutritional balance because with Jiffy Pellets, the plant receives everything it needs.
  • Homogeneity: the size of plants that come out of the nursery is the same size, because they all have the same control of content and nutrition in the pellet.
  • Ergonomic sowing: since an operator will make less effort sowing with Jiffy Pellets compared to plastic bags.
  • Low reseeding rates: with Jiffy Pellets technology, material losses are substantially reduced. The loss can decrease up to 1%, although it is important to note that everything will depend on the climate, soil conditions and the techniques used by the farmer.

Using this innovation is simple and makes the growing process more efficient. If you want to know more about how you can adopt this solution, click on the link below and discover it in a short video where we answer the most frequently asked questions about Jiffy Pellets. (In Spanish).

We also invite you to learn more about our extensive catalog of pots, pellets, substrates and other products. We have the best solutions for different cultures, processes and all sizes of business!

Pilar Galvis

Sales Manager LATAM

You can call me on
+ 1 440-865-5715

or send me an e-mail

Fast germination

Jiffy Pellets are an open-wall, net container and medium all in one. It is easy to work with, economical to ship. They are available as bulk pellets for loading yourself, but also pre-loaded into global tray standards or on a poly-roll. Available in Peat, Coco and mix substrates.

Fitting your demands

Jiffy's range of substrates include peat-reduced, peat-free and organic certified solutions. We have a long history in delivering the highest-quality substrate mixes with the most uniform characteristics, tailored and tested to meet each crop's specifications.