Solution Driven Success Stories
For Your Inspiration

Grower looking to Jiffy Pellet

Coffee production: experience, learning and case study

Coffee production is one of the most relevant activities for specialists in this sector. Where obtaining a quality product is the ultimate goal, after optimizing each step of the process. From choosing the type, selecting the fruits, preparing the seeds, planting, harvesting and processing. There are many details to consider, and in each of them…

Conifer Propagation Nursery Celebrates 15 Years cover

Conifer Propagation Nursery Celebrates 15 Years

“The Jiffy system is the best there is,” says Hubertus Uehre of Uehre Gartenland, a top-rated tree nursery in Germany. Find out how the nursery uses Jiffy-7 Pellets for various species and why the country is gearing up to replant 500,000 ha of trees.
