Better substrate, better plants

Putting quality first

“If you want to grow high-quality plants, you need high-quality inputs,” says Alex Schoemaker. “At Living Creations we always put quality first. That’s why we only use Jiffy substrates.”

For a slow-cycle crop like Hydrangea paniculata, using the right substrate is crucial. Jiffy’s experts worked with Alex to develop a premium substrate to meet his plants’ needs exactly. The result is a mix that combines the best peat fractions – sourced from Jiffy’s own bogs, with specialised fertilisers. It’s exceptionally stable and has a very high air content, so the Hydrangeas’ roots can access the right amount of water and nutrients to flourish.

“At Living Creations we always put quality first. That’s why we only use Jiffy substrates.” Jiffy Group is based in Zwijndrecht, just 40 minutes – Alex Schoemaker south of the Living Creations headquarters.  Jiffy’s Peter Haan can often be found talking to Alex in the office or to the growers at the test centre. “It’s part of our service to make sure our products achieve the desired results,” Peter explains. “We know growers like Living Creations have dynamic operations that are constantly evolving. At Jiffy, we evolve right along with them.”

“The people at Jiffy share our values,” adds Alex. “Like us, they want to be part of the solution, never part of the problem. Thanks to Jiffy’s substrate, we can supply our customers around the world with the finest Hydrangeas, season after season.”