Jiffy offers sustainable netting solution on growblocks and pellets

Reducing the use of plastic in packaging and production purposes is an important global issue. Plastic does not belong in nature and it should not be in the process of cultivation. That is why Jiffy aims for lowering the use of plastics for their growing media. Just recently Jiffy decided to switch from PE and PP plastics to PLA netting for all Jiffy Grow Blocks and Jiffy Pellets.  

The PLA net is a light weight fine-fibre web, comprised of polylactic acid (PLA). This material is designed for horticultural processes. The PLA net is made from material based of corn starch. This is a renewable and sustainable source of raw ingredients. The PLA net is biodegradable and compostable under controlled conditions. It is certified to the European Norm of EN13432.  

Benefits for our customers 

  • From renewable source to compostable waste 
    Your crop will start its growth in a natural grow media, made from a renewable source. After harvesting your Jiffy Growblocks and waste plant material are compostable under controlled conditions.  
  • No glue or polyester components 
    The netting of our Jiffy Growblocks and Jiffy Pellets contains no polyester and no glue components. By choosing these products for your greenhouse breeding and cultivation process you will be able to grow biobased.  
  • Time saving in waste management 
    Jiffy Growblocks and Jiffy Pellets with PLA netting, that are mainly used in greenhouses, will save customers time and money. As the Growblock and the surrounding net are completely compostable in an industrial composting process, there is no need for dividing the Growblock from the plant.  

Benefits for our planet  

By this decision approximately 100.000 KG of single use PE and PP plastics per year will no longer be in the production process of Jiffy. This sustainable step forward makes us very proud. At Jiffy, we care for our environment and we are ambitious to help our customers to grow their products in a sustainable or renawable way.  

Timing and roll-out 

After a testing period of 4-5 years to find the best material for the crops, the roots, our production facilities and the environment, we started the process of replacing the ‘old netting foil’ mid 2019. On January 1st, 2020, 90% of all our Jiffy Growblocks and approximately 25% of our Jiffy Pellets are already produced and delivered with the new PLA netting. We strive to be on a 100% PLA netting production on December 31st, 2021.   

Developing sustainable plant growing solutions together 

At Jiffy we are proud to help professional growers with innovative and sustainable plant growing solutions to feed and beautify the world. With our large portfolio of pots, pellets, coir products, substrates and plugs we always have the best solution for the crop, process and business size. By listening carefully and sharing our knowledge we help our customers to improve sustainability, efficiency and product quality. Together we aim for more yield and less waste.  

Richard Stevenson

Global Sustainability Manager

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Komplettlösung für hohen Ertrag

Die Komplettlösung besteht aus Substrat und Behälter: Der Jiffy Growblock ist die erste Wahl für alle Schnittblumen- und Gemüsezüchter, die Hydroponik-Systeme, Gewächshäuser oder andere Anbauverfahren verwenden. Dank Luftbeschneidung, besserer Temperatursteuerung und Vielseitigkeit, entstehen in Jiffy Growblocks gesündere, stärkere Pflanzen.

Schnelle Keimung

Jiffy Pellets sind Gewebebehälter mit durchlässigen Wänden und Substrat in einem. Sie sind einfach in der Verwendung und leicht zu versenden. Sie sind als Pellets-Großpackung zum selbst Bestücken verfügbar, aber auch vorbestückt in globalen Standard-Trays, sowie auf Polyrolle. Erhältlich mit Torf-, Kokos- und Mischsubstraten.