Erkunden Sie den Jiffy Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023, der unser Engagement für nachhaltige Rohstoffe, die Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen, Ziele der Kreislaufwirtschaft und mehr beschreibt.
Working towards a greener future for all
Here at Jiffy we want to reduce our impact on the environment. Above all, though, we want to support our customers in finding and using sustainable plant growing solutions that protect plants, people, profit, and planet! Our Sustainability Team, our Innovation Team, in fact everyone in our global organization, is working hard to achieve these goals.
Huge range of eco-friendly solutions available
Did you know we first started offering our plastic-free, compostable Jiffy Pot Original back in the 1960s? Tried and tested, the pot is now available in a huge range of sizes. Many of them are specifically designed for automated sowing and transplanting systems. Our sustainable plant growing solutions also include biodegradable growblocks and pellets. Just look out for the sustainability icon on our product pages and in our leaflets.
Working to meet your sustainability needs
But Jiffy offers far more than just products. We are always happy to share our expertise, give technical advice, and answer your sustainability related questions. About Jiffy growing media, sure, but our know-how goes way beyond that. What are the most sustainable plant propagation systems? How do you start seeds or cuttings without fossil plastic? What are non-plastic alternatives for the nursery? Got a question of your own? Please reach out to us. We’ll work with you to find solutions that align with your sustainability priorities.
Find out more about Jiffy’s own sustainability journey and what we can do to support you in yours in the 2023 Jiffy Group Sustainability Report . Download it here.
Richard Stevenson
Jiffy Sustainability Manager
Reduced plastics
Reduce single-use fossil plastics and non-degradable polymers in our raw materials, processes and products.
Sustainable resources
Increase the proportion of sustainable raw materials in our product portfolio.
Reduced footprint
Reduce energy use, water use, and CO2 emissions in our production processes and global logistics.
Circular Economy
Increase Jiffy’s contribution to the circular economy in our materials and products and through cooperation with relevant customers and suppliers.
Read all about our sustainable solutions

Der Jiffy Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023

Leihen von Morgen: Wie Jiffy die Ressourcenkrise der Erde angeht
Earth Overshoot Day, falling on August 1st in 2024, highlights our overconsumption, as we deplete Earth's annual resources 153 days early. At Jiffy, we recognize the urgency of this issue and are committed to sustainable practices. By increasing renewable energy use, recycling materials, and adopting innovative production methods, we're working to reduce our environmental impact and push back Earth Overshoot Day. Learn more about our efforts towards a sustainable future.
Jiffy bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für torffreie Anforderungen : „Wir haben die Lösung, die allen Anforderungen gerecht wird“
Die Nachfrage nach torffreien Kulturpflanzen nimmt weiter zu. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Nachfrage in den kommenden Jahren weiter zunehmen wird, da im Vereinigten Königreich entsprechende Gesetze erlassen werden. Die Umstellung auf torffreie Substrate ist ein bedeutender Schritt. Wir haben torffreie Substrate in unser Produktportfolio aufgenommen. Jiffy sucht für jede Kultur nach einer torffreien Lösung.
The Jiffy Sustainability Report 2021 is out now
The Jiffy Sustainability Report 2021. Find out where we stand on our 5 sustainability goals: Reduced footprint • Circular economy • Reduced plastics • Sustainable resources.
Jiffy Group announces two new circularity targets
Our two new circularity targets confirm our intention to increase our use of recycled plastic. We support the reclaiming of ‘waste’ plastics, reducing the risk of those plastics contaminating the soil, ending up in the ocean, or being burned.
mehr...Do you need other options?
Browse further through our broad range of products below, or have a look at the stories in the stories section to see how others have implemented Jiffy solutions.